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Countless ways to show your support for child rights

Discover all the ways you can help

From advocacy to volunteering - there are many ways you can join us in championing children and their rights.

Support our initiatives

We stand for children and their rights. Full stop. From raise the age of criminal responsibility to advocating for more access to wellbeing services in schools, we support a number of causes that aim to improve the rights all kids are entitled to. See what we're about and have your say.

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We love our volunteers. Got special skills like gardening, teaching or yoga? We welcome volunteers with all sorts of interests and backgrounds. If you're interested in volunteering in one of our services, head to our careers page.

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Partner or collaborate with us

If child rights is your calling, let's find a way to collaborate! We're looking for like-minded organisations and groups who want to join us in making rights real for all kids in Australia

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It's fashionable to support a good cause. 54 reasons is a part of the Save the Children Australia Group which has dozens of Op Shops across the country. Want to see your money go to more than just your wardrobe? Find a location near you>>

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Is child rights the cause you want to put your coins to? Donate to 54 reasons via our parent organisation, the Save the Children Australia Group.

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