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Kids corner

Setting the stage for the future you want

your rights.
your voice.

your voice

You’re not just citizens of tomorrow, but citizens of now. We want to hear what matters most to you, what you need and what your aspirations are for our wonderful world.

what's your
favourite RIGHT?

Drag your choice to the blank circle below.

Drop Answer

You should
be treated

Option Two

Adults should
do what is best
for you

Option Three

You have the
right to an

Option Three

You can choose
what you think
and believe

great response

#WhatsYourReason for advocating for child rights?

There are 54 articles in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Which means, we’ve got 54 reasons for advocating for kids and their rights. #WhatsYourReason? Have your say.

have your say

your rights

We want to advocate alongside you and let those in decision making roles know what matters most to you. There are 54 articles in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Which means, we’ve got 54 reasons for championing children and their rights. #WhatsYourReason?

want to know more about your rights?

Want to know more about your rights? You've come to the right place. Check out our fun and friendly child rights poster 👇



how are we


Tell us how you think Australia is doing to uphold children's rights and what could be done better.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has 54 articles on children’s rights. Each of the UNCRC’s 54 articles contains a right that children have, or guidance to governments and grownups on how to protect those rights. It sets out an inspiring vision for childhood and children – a world where all children’s rights are fully respected and fulfilled. Sounds great, right? Well, in 1990, Australia formally agreed to comply with the CRC’s standards and uphold the rights of all children here.

have your say

Whats Your


#WhatsYourReason for advocating for child rights?

i should be treated fairly
adults should do what is best for me
my family should help me grow and enjoy my rights
i can learn new things and express myself creatively
I can choose what I think and believe

have your say

We're the real deal when it comes to rights

Child rights are a big deal here at 54 reasons for well, obvious reasons. To us, it seems like a no-brainer that all kids should have rights. Are we right or what? But another reason why we're so head over heels for rights is because over a 100 years ago, our founder, a woman and teacher named Eglantyne Jebb, drafted the first version of a document that laid out all the rights that all kids in every corner of the world should be in entitled. No. Matter. What. Eglantyne was way ahead of her time — a true visionary.

have your say

Today, Eglantyne's original vision forms the basis of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Sure, it's a long name that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but this document doesn't mess around. It lays out all the rights kids of all ages have and what governments and organisations need to do to ensure those rights are met. So far every country in the world (minus one) have ratified the CRC, which basically means Australia is required to uphold what's in it. Next time you're trying to make a point and feel like it's not being heard, don't forget to reference the CRC and politely remind the adults around you that you're not playing around.

have your say

how to:
how to represent

You have a right to say what's on your mind. And those in decision making roles are required (by law) to take what you say seriously. Perhaps you want to raise an issue or ask for change or have an idea about how to make your community even cooler. We've pulled together a quick quide on how to get your message across to your MP (that's short for Member of Parliament) in a way that ensure they listen.

Have a problem? Need a solution?
Who can help?
Don't forget
youth orgs!


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) has 54 articles on children’s rights. Each of the UNCRC’s 54 articles contains a right that children have, or guidance to governments and grownups on how to protect those rights. It sets out an inspiring vision for childhood and children – a world where all children’s rights are fully respected and fulfilled. Sounds great, right? Well, in 1990, Australia formally agreed to comply with the CRC’s standards and uphold the rights of all children here.

Tell us how you think Australia is doing to uphold children's rights and what could be done better.

Thank you! We'll get back to you very soon.
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"I'm really passionate about right 12, which is the right of children to have their opinions respected, especially on issues that affect children. It's really important that children's opinions are considered as valid as adults."

— Apurva 16 yrs, SA

In your own words

We asked our Young Advisor’s Group and other children in Australia about their rights and what the 54 articles means to them. Here’s what they had to say

It was nice to have my voice heard, which was an experience I really hadn’t had in our community before.

17-year-old, Taree, NSW

A child right that is important to me is the right to an education - it has a major impact on your life and beneficially changes lives

Stella 13yrs, VIC

Every child should be able to have their own opinion and to be able to express that by being heard by others

Jas 13yrs, VIC

I need a support system that will make me feel supported and safe. I need material objects that make me feel economically healthy and I enjoy the company of friends, family and others who make me feel loved and happy

12-year-old, City of Yarra, VIC

Article 24 is an important right – that children have the right to have the best health care possible, clean water, healthy food, and a clean and safe home. Without these things you can’t live properly, or have the best life you can

Chloe 14yrs, NT

It was nice to have my voice heard, which was an experience I really hadn’t had in our community before.

17-year-old, Taree, NSW

A child right that is important to me is the right to an education - it has a major impact on your life and beneficially changes lives

Stella 13yrs, VIC

Every child should be able to have their own opinion and to be able to express that by being heard by others

Jas 13yrs, VIC

I'm really passionate about right 12, which is the right of children to have their opinions respected, especially on issues that affect children. It's really important that children's opinions are considered as valid as adults

Apurva 16yrs, SA

I need a support system that will make me feel supported and safe. I need material objects that make me feel economically healthy and I enjoy the company of friends, family and others who make me feel loved and happy

12-year-old, City of Yarra, VIC

Article 24 is an important right – that children have the right to have the best health care possible, clean water, healthy food, and a clean and safe home. Without these things you can’t live properly, or have the best life you can

Chloe 14yrs, NT

your stories
